What is the benefit of having your chart read?!
Aligning with your highest light.
Come home to yourself.
Vedic Astrology is Jyotisha. Jyotisha means "the light of god in Sanskrit." It is actually a healing art that helps awaken your own capacity in your nervous system to become in harmony with what is. It is the inner light we all posses.
The patterns seen in the planets and stars:
Make meaning of your life stories by exploring the myths of the planets and stars. These stories tell us everything about the light that is you and how it shines in the world.
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Your truest astrological birthday.
Where were the planets and stars at the time of your birth?
This is the moment that is the closest in emulating the moment of birth. Hence, this is the ‘truest astrological birthday’ or rather ‘birth moment’.
I have been celebrating my vedic birthday for a couple of years now. And, I have been celebrating the alignment of the planets and stars and how they emulate the moment of my birth.
I even had a zoom birthday party on my 45th Tithi Praveshi. There is some magic in being able to notice and feel the ways the planets and stars shine. It helps me to create right perspective and right action.
What was the phase of the moon at the time of your birth?
Do you know? Would you like to know?
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#astrologer #Vedicastrologer #jyotishi
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